

The idea of the factory started when the musician Jacopo Ferrazza and the painter Sophia Zaccaron, after overcoming the recent difficulties created by the pandemic, decided to create their own independent label, free from compromises and able to give space to their artistic view without restrain.
Teal Dreamers Factory starts in 2021 and its main goal is to produce music and art, keeping in mind the importance of connectivity between different genre of music and the exchange between different type of arts, to find the fine spot where those differences can coexist.
Teal Dreamers, in its music section, wants to be the place where Jazz, contemporary music and electronic music meet.
The factory wants to become a pole of attraction for experimental writing and improvisation, for electronic music’s research and for the study of the musical’s forms, giving the tools needed to break the mold.
In the Teal Dreams’ artistic section, the factory wants to find and create different places of fruition and promotion of culture, where expositions can be made and artists with different background can meet.
Teal Dreamers has a multi media approach, a vision that is without barriers or prejudices and believes that never like today we needs a brave imagination to bring out in the light what usually is not available to everyone.

Jacopo Ferrazza

Jacopo Ferrazza 

Musician, composer and teacher at the jazz conservatory of Frosinone. 

Since 2005 is been active in the jazz and pop scene.  

He collaborated with the best artists in the national and international scene such as Nicola Piovani, Fabrizio Bosso, Dave Liebman, Enrico Rava, George Garzone, Camille Bertault and many others.


Sophia Zaccaron 

Painter, sculptor, performer and actress. 

She exhibited her work in renewed festivals such as Venice Biennale, and in galleries around the world (Mannathan, Barcellona and Dubai).

Production and artistic direction:

Jacopo Ferrazza, Sophia Zaccaron
Agency director and Graphic:

Sophia Zaccaron
Web and social marketing:

Jacopo Ferrazza

Guido Gaito
Sound engineer:

Luca Fareri 
Collaborators and consultants:

AmbriaJazz Festival, Marcello Allulli

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